December 3 in 30: And on the last day

3in30 Challenge

Read the Daily Office

I’ve read it every day for the last 35 days. I think that makes it almost a habit. My intention had been to read it in the morning, but that doesn’t always happen. I try though.

Slow Down

I did this as well. P was shocked when there were two days the week before Christmas and most days the week after Christmas completely unscheduled. No activities; no work; no nothing. It’s been a good break and helpful in that respect.

Build a Schedule

Still working on this. It turns out that this is a much larger undertaking than I imagined. I needed to just keep plugging away at it, and I’ll hopefully have it done soon.

This is the weekly link up page. Please go there if you want to see how others did this month. I’ll be back tomorrow with new goals and hopefully a renewed commitment to the blog. We’ll see.


December 3 in 30: Week 1 and 2

3in30 Challenge

Read the Daily Office

This is going well. The app on my phone makes it easy. I added in a Worship playlist and it’s just a perfect combination to get my mornings going. I read the evening psalm sometime in the evening and it all works for me. Yay.

Slow Down

I have actually slowed things down a bit. We aren’t doing as much. I’m not trying to jam in everything, though it apparently feels that way to P. This weekend is a bit jammed up, but it’s going to be worth it, I think. Both kids have mini-dance recitals. We have a couple of work things and Ben has a dress rehearsal of his “big play” on Sunday after church. But the next week is really slow. This weekend is packed and then it’s a vast white space on my calendar until Christmas eve. I think that’s slowing things down. A lot. I haven’t tried to do everything. I haven’t tried to do all the cool things I wanted to do. I’m just taking it slow. Even if this particular weekend doesn’t feel like it.

Build a Schedule

I have finished reading Managers of Their Homes. I’m starting to work on the first part of building the schedule. I’m thinking this will work for us. My biggest issue is to figure out what Katie can do while Ben is doing school. Ben has been absolutely heroic in completing his school work the last two days while his sister has been doing her darnedest to distract him, me, etc. We need to give the child something to do. Sigh. Now I need to figure out how to school two kids. I thought I had a bit more time.

This is the weekly link up page. Please go there if you’re joining in, want to see what others are doing and so on.

And I’m glad to be back 🙂

December 3 in 30: Goals

3in30 Challenge

Read the Daily Office

Um, daily. Kind of like the name implies. I have this handy app on my phone now that gives me the office for the day, so I don’t have the excuse of having to look it all up anymore. So, for this month I want to try to read it, you know, daily. I figure if I can get the habit going maybe I can keep it going. We’ll see.

Slow Down

Last night, Fr. Doug (who probably doesn’t mind me talking about him, but one never knows so I won’t link to his blog) showed us a Rob Bell video. Now, I know there’s a lot of fuss in a lot of circles about Rob Bell and I understand that. Heck, I even get, to a degree, why he makes people fussy. However, this video (“Shells”, if you’re wondering) made me wonder about my God-given purpose and I realized that I really need to slow down and figure out if I’m living in alignment with what I believe my purpose to be. So, part of that is trying to slow down a bit (though today has not been one of my best examples of that, sigh). To me, this means trying to be more deliberate in the choices that I make and trying not to be influenced, too much, by the outside when I decide how I’m going to devote my time this month.

Build a Schedule

I have all these amazing books and stuff on scheduling and the benefits thereof. Now, instead of letting them sit here, I’m going to spend this month working through one of them (Managers of Their Homes) and attempt to build a schedule. I know, from a brief foray into scheduling before P went on vacation that schedules work for me better than I thought they would, but as soon as he was on vacation my whole schedule was done. Sigh. So, back to that, too.

This is the weekly link up page. Please go there if you’re joining in, want to see what others are doing and so on.

And I’m glad to be back 🙂