B90Days: Have You Considered It?

The next Bible in 90 days group starts on July 5th. If you’ve thought about it or were interested when I did it, I can’t encourage you enough to go over to Amy’s blog, read about how to do it, and then consider signing up for the challenge.

For me, it allowed me to accomplish something that I’ve never been able to do before. I can now, honestly say, that I have read every word of the Bible and that I feel more connected to it and to the Christian experience overall as a result. If you go back and read my B90Days posts from the first time around, you’ll see that I was conflicted through the whole process. I have a hard time, still do, putting my brain and my literary analysis self in park and just read, but I really tried to do that. I’ve about decided that I’m going to read again this time, and I’m definitely mentoring.

What I found, from this experience, is that community is important to understanding the Bible. Amy runs a great challenge. There’s the reading, the Twitter chats, the emails from the Bible in 90 Days organization. All of those things helped me to stay on top of the reading and to feel accountable to someone.

The addition of mentors to this challenge will allow the challenge to be a bit deeper and a bit more personal because you will have one specific person you can go to for additional encouragement, for support, for guidance. You’ll have someone who knows just how tough reading Numbers is and who will sympathize even while pushing you to keep reading and to keep going forward.

The Twitter chats were a phenomenal experience for me. Due to health concerns I’ve discussed here many times, it is difficult for me to regularly attend church. The Twitter chats gave me that sense of community that the Bible talks about and that I often feel is missing from my own religious experience. I liken the Twitter chats to a casual service while I think the mentor groups will function more like a small Bible study group or support group.

I’m really excited to be mentoring this time around and I hope to see many of my blog readers on the roster for participating in this. If you want to do this (and I know you do), go here to find all the tools and to sign up for the challenge.

It is challenging, and there will be moments where you question my sanity/hate me for encouraging you to do this, but you’ll get an amazing sense of accomplishment from it and you’ll feel better for having done it. Really, you will. Please join me and the rest of the folks who are going to tackle this challenge this summer!

2 thoughts on “B90Days: Have You Considered It?

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